Core Java
Java programming involves 3 steps
· Coding
· Compilation
· Execution
Ø Writing a java program
using text editor or IDE (Eclipse, NetBeans)
with .java
Ø Compilation is the process
of translating a java file to class file.
Ø Compiler compiles
java statements into byte codes.
Ø Bytes codes
are saves with extension
of .class file.
Ø .class files are platform independent file which runs on any platform.
Ø The .class
file is created
from the java source file.
Ø If any error occurs
in the process of compilation is called Compile time error.
Ø Running the java class
file is known as execution.
Ø The class file execution
is done by JVM (Java Virtual
libraries helps to run the byte codes.
Ø The .class
file executed only when JRE is available.
Ø The java file is executed when file compiles
Ø If any error occurs
at run time is called Run time error.
ü To Compile
java file by command line
§ javac <filename>.java
ü to Run java file by command
§ java <classname>
Variables are used to store information, variable should follow
3 steps sequentially.
Ø Variable declaration
Ø Variable initialization
Variable utilization Variable
Syntax: type <variable name>
· Type is data type to the type of information
is stored.
Variable name is any name starts
with alphabet or underscore (_) not numeric part.
· Ex: int id;
char grade; Variable initialization
Initialize a value or assign a value to
the variable
· Ex : id=1234;
grade=’A’; Variable utilization
Simply declaring and initializing is no use ,
· The utilization is need for every created
Ex: System.out.println(id); System.out.println (grade);
The java variables should be
initialized prior to the utilization otherwise
compilation gives compile
time error.
We can write variable declaration,
initialization in a single line. And we can
reassign variable multiple times.
is a keyword in java which is to make constant variable. And
it does not allow reassigning or reinitializing the variable. Ex : final float pi=3.142
Method has 2 types:
1. Static method
2. Non-static method
(instance method)
· A method
implements some particular task.
· Purpose of methods is reusability of code and reduces line of codes.
· It consists
of opening and closing parenthesis in parenthesis it may have
arguments or may not. Arguments are also called
as parameters.
· Arguments is optional for methods, it may have multiple arguments.
Methods will write once and can
call multiple times. Methods should be defined when it
is declared.
Methods can return
a value who calls
it or to caller.
Control Statements
It has 2 types
1. Decision Control
statements : 2 types
a. IF
2. Loop Control
a. FOR
Syntax: if (condition)
<Do some business logic>
<Do some business logic>
ü In this
statements it may have only if statement,
but else block should before
of if block
ü Based on the
condition only one block will execute
either if or else.
Syntax: switch (condition)
<Some business logic> Break;
<Some business logic> Break;
<Some business logic> Break;
<some business
ü Like multiples
of IF-ELSE block
but execute only one CASE among theses.
ü In switch
statement if there is no break statement
it will execute all the case
with default from which
case its starts.
ü If condition is
not matching to any CASE statements it execute
default statement.
Syntax: for (initialization; condition; increment/decrement)
<some business
Syntax: while (condition)
<Some business logic> Increment/decrement;
ü Executes until condition becomes
Syntax: do
<some business
} while (condition);
ü Executes until
condition becomes true
ü It executes
minimum once time in its life time.
Class defines the state and behaviour of the objects.
Class is a keyword, in java file
can have multiple of java class file, while
compiling compiler creates
separate class file for
each class body.
JVM can starts execution from only
one class at a time and the class must have
main method and string array argument, otherwise JVM returns Run time error.
Anything define within the body of class is known as members
of a class.
There are two types of members’ 1.Static members and Non-static members.
· Any entity
which has state and behaviour is known as objects.
The state defines the
characteristics of object where as the behaviour defines the functionality of the object.
The state defined by instance variable
where as behaviour
is defined by instance methods.
Two types of variables
1. Primitive type variable.
2. Reference variable
Primitive type variable
· Used to store data only are declared using data type
· Ex: int i=10 //store only integer type data.
Char grade=’A’ //store only single character type data.
Reference type variable
· Used to store objects.
· Class type variables are declared using class type/class name
· Syntax: class type
· Ex: class Apple //creating class
by name Apple.
Apple a1; //initialize a1 as type Apple class variable.
a1=new Apple (); //store only apple type object.
Static Members |
Non-Static Members |
Static members
it may be methods or variables. |
Non-Static members
it may be methods or variables. |
Static members have a keyword
static |
Except static keyword members is a non-
static members or instance members. |
Static members
can access by class name. <Static members>. |
Instance members
can access by creating an object with reference variable. |
Static members stored
in static pool
memory area. |
Instance members stored
in heap area. |
JVM will loads first
static members. |
After static
members Non-static members will load by JVM. |
Static members can’t be inherited. |
Instance members
can inherit, except
private access members. |
Static members can’t be re-initialize. |
Instance members can reinitialize. |
Static members
have only one copy of its in memory throughout life of execution. |
Instance members
can have multiple copies it’s have
to access by creating object. |
Memory architecture:
To execute any program in computer 3 memory area come
into picture as in the case of java programs execution
it is also consist 3 part of memory area. Namely
1. Heap area:
Used to store only objects,
instance members with random allocation.
2. Stack area:
Used to store local variables in this area.
Used for execution of code in Last In First Out manner.
3. Static pool:
It is a part of heap, store only static
members with random
Note: JVM loads
first static members
in static pool area.
method declared with pass by argument always
accesses an object
of the class type.
When invoking such methods
we must pass an object
of the class either directly or passing the object reference.
a method declared
with return type of class it
should return object of the class.
If a
method didn’t return any value
it declared as void keyword
A method can be defined in two
fashion i.e. Abstract method and Concrete
object existing in the
heap area without
any reference variable
is known as de-reference object.
De-reference object consumes heap
memory but can’t access its members since
it doesn’t have reference. To make de-reference object use null to the object reference for removing all the object reference.
Whenever the garbage collector is
called on priority it removes de-reference object from heap.
Making space for other object creation
we can call garbage collector
anywhere in the program execution using System.GC
Constructors are special members
of java class used for object creation
and instance variable
Each and every java class must define a constructor; create
an object of the class.
a class is defined without
constructor compiler finds a constructor it is known
as default constructor.
A default constructor should not have any arguments.
Constructor is similar to methods but its
have certain special
The constructor name is same as
class name.
The constructor should
not have any return type
Defining a constructor with
arguments is known as parameterized constructor.
programmer can define
a constructor by following the syntax: Construcorname (args)
ü Defining a multiple constructor with different arguments
is known as
constructor overloading.
The arguments must differ either in
terms of argument type or argument length.
Overloaded constructors are invoked
based on the arguments, when we create an object with the different initialization then we will go for
overloaded constructor.
this :
Java provides a special keyword by
name with “this” it is used to refer the instance
members of the current
This keyword should be used only in
constructor body or instance method body.
also used in differentiating the instance variable
from local variable
or arguments.
this ():
Make constructor call.
Call arguments constructor.
Used in constructor body.
Must be first statement in call constructor.
Recursive constructor call is not allowed.
In a static context static members
of a current class can be referred directly
where as the non-static members can’t be referred in the static context.
a non-static context
both static and instance members
of current class can be referred directly, whenever instance
members are referred compilers will write “this” keyword implicitly.
An object can have reference to
another object this is known as composition. Where
an object is composed of several object.
The composition is also known as “has-a” relationship.
A “has-a” relationship is achieved by defining reference variable in
a class body. Reference variable of
an object can be instance/static variable reference.
The instance variables are referred
by the object of class and static variable is
referred by the name of the class.
() is best example for composition how System: It is a built in
library class.
out : Static
reference of output
stream type of ,member of system class.
println():It is overloaded instance method of OutputStream type.
In the above statement said composition how by naming
Using naming convention we can decide
the statement status.
Inheritance is OOP’S principle
where one class acquire the properties another
class. In java class can inherit the properties of another class by
using extends keyword.
The class from where members are
inherited is known as superclass (base class
or parent class).
The class to which members are
inherited is known as subclass (derived
class or child class).
Sub class can inherit only instance members
of super class.
Inheritance is used for code reusability and extension
There are four types of inheritance
1. Single inheritance.
2. Multilevel inheritance.
3. Multiple inheritance.
4. Hierarchical inheritance.
ü Static members can’t be inherit from super class.
ü Private members
can’t be inherit.
Final class can inherit but do not
change the members’ implementation in subclass.
Using super keyword to call immediate super class constructor
Implicit for default
Super keyword support for
inheritance but this keyword is within class body only.
It’s certain rules are similar
to this keyword.
super ():
Sub class constructor can make a call to its super
class constructor by using super () statement.
The super statement should be the
first statement in the body of sub class constructor.
Using super statement sub class can call either
default or parameterized constructor of super class constructor.
Using super statement implement constructor chaining; means subclass constructor calling to its super class constructor, that super class
constructor calling to its
super class constructor is known as constructor chaining. Constructor chaining must happen
during inheritance.
The subclass constructor can make
call to super class constructor either implicitly or explicitly.
Implicit call done by compiler only
for default constructor, when as explicit call
can we made any constructor of super class.
In a constructor body multiple
super () statement or multiple this() statement or super() and this() statement is not allowed.
Only one either
this() or super()
Diamond problem:
Each and every
java class must have super class. If we don’t define super
class, the compiler
defines a super class by name Object.
Object is a super most class in java class hierarchy.
Each and every java class must inherit
the members from Object
class either implicitly or explicitly. Java
doesn’t support multiple
inheritance because the subclass constructor can’t make call to the more than one super class
constructor and also leads an ambiguity is known as diamond problem.
Method overloading:
Defining multiple methods with same method name and different arguments
is known as method overloading. The arguments must differ either in argument
type or in an argument
We can overload both static and
non-static method in a class. Subclass can overload the inherited non-static methods only not static methods.
The overloaded methods are invoked based on the arguments type through method
overloading in this we can achieve compile time polymorphism.
When developing an application if we go for method
E.g. : A flight
reservation application the book
flight information can be viewed either
by book id or flight
number or date of travel
or source and destination.
Method overriding:
Inheriting methods from super class and changing its implementation in the subclass according to the specification
of subclass is known as method overriding.
To override the methods inheritance
“is a” relationship is required.
When a subclass overrides super class method then the subclass shouldn’t change the signature of the inherited
After overriding method in the
subclass overloading implementation will be
available. The subclass
can override as well as overload inherited methods.
Overriding methods will achieve run time polymorphism.
The subclass can’t be override
Static methods
because static methods
will not be inherited to subclass.
Final instance methods
because the final keyword indicates that the
definition can’t be changed further.
Private instance methods because private
are no accessible in subclass.
Static hiding:
Static hiding is nothing but a subclass
have static method
which is same as in superclass.
Casting is converting one type date
to another type is known as type casting. That type casting
can be classifieds into 2
types those are
Primitive typecasting
Class casting. 1.
Primitive type casting:
Type matching statements
int i=2; double d=5.3;
Type mismatching statements
int i=2.3; double d=5;
Type casting
int k= (int) 59.99; system.out.println (k) //59 double d= (double) 34; system.out.println (d); //34.00
Casting one data type to another data type is known as primitive type casting.
Primitive type casting
can be done in 2 ways.
Casting lower data type to any higher data type is known as widening, widening can be done by implicitly and explicitly.
Narrowing: Casting
higher data type to any of lower data type is known as narrowing. Narrowing should be done explicitly in the
program, when narrowing happen precision
will be loss.
2. Class casting:
Type matching:
A a1= new A (); B b1= new B ();
Type mismatching :
A a2=new B (); B b2= new A ();
Class casting:
A a2= (A) new B
B b2= (B) new A ();
Casting one class type to another class
type is known as
class casting.
Class casting is possible only if classes
having “is a “relationship (inheritance).
Class casting can be done in 2 ways
Up casting:
Casting sub class type to super class type is known as up casting.
Whenever the up casting is done the subclass object should show only the behaviour of super
class or to the class which is casted.
Up casting can be done either implicitly or explicitly. Sub class object
can be casted to any level of superclass.
Down casting:
The down casting is possible only when objects are already up casted otherwise throws an exception.
Down casting should
be done explicitly in the code.
Polymorphism is an object showing
different behaviour at different stages of life cycle
is known as polymorphism.
There are two types of polymorphism:
Compile time polymorphism.
Run time polymorphism.
Compile time polymorphism:
In this a method declaration is binded to the method definition by
compile time by compiler during
compilation this type of binding is known as static binding or early binding or compile time binding. Ex: overloading static, final, and private methods.
Overloaded method is a compile
time polymorphism.
Run time Polymorphism:
In this a method declaration is binded to the method definition by
the JVM based on the object created,
this type of binding is known as dynamic
binding or late binding or run time
binding. Ex: method overriding is
example for Run time polymorphism.
To achieve run time polymorphism we have to fulfil the following:
· Inheritance.
· Overriding method.
· Up casting.
A method
is designed in two manners
either Abstract or Concrete.
A method defined with body is known
as concrete method, the concrete method
can be called for execution and whenever it is called
it executes the statement
defined in the body of the method. While creating an object if RHS=LHS then it should be a concrete
Any method defined without any body
is known as abstract method. An abstract
method should be declared “abstract” keyword.
If any one of method is abstract in
a class that class should be declared as abstract keyword
is known as abstract class.
In abstract class there is 0 or 1 or more abstract methods.
We can’t create an object of
abstract class and hence it is not possible to refer the instance members
of abstract class.
In an abstract class we can define:
Only concrete method.
Only abstract method.
Both concrete and abstract method.
abstract class need not to have abstract
method where as any class
having abstract method
should be declared
as abstract.
class can inherit
the abstract method
from an abstract class,
in such case the sub-class should be declared either abstract
or sub-class should made concrete by defining
all inherited abstract methods.
Abstract methods of an abstract class can be define in any level
of abstract class. Only those sub class object can be
created which define in all the inherited abstract
ü The abstract
keyword can’t be combine with following combination.
Abstract static void test();
Abstract final void test();
Abstract private void test();
Java interface:
Since abstract class allows us to
define the class body with only concrete methods,
it is known as not yet pure abstract body because a sub-class inherits the abstract class it becomes
concrete without overriding the methods to achieve pure abstract body we go for
“java interface”.
Java class/class type |
Java interface/interface type |
Java enumeration/enum type |
Class class_name { Ø Variables · Static ·
Non-static Ø Constructors Ø Methods(abstract/concrete) · Static · Non-static } |
Interface interface_name { Ø
Only static final variable. Ø No constructors. Ø
Only instance abstract method. Ø
Members of interface have access public. } |
Enum enum_name { Ø Only constant variables · Final ·
Static } |
The java interface
has the above properties.
Abstraction is one of the OOP’S
principle which is used to hide the
class implementation.
Hiding the implementation of an
object from its usage is known as abstraction.
The object implement is access through the interface type reference.
ü Abstraction can be achieved
by following :
Generalize the object behaviour in an interface.
Provide specific implementation in a sub-classes.
Refer the sub-class implementation through interface reference.
The abstraction helps to develop
maintainable code and easy to enhance.
Using abstraction we can achieve
loose coupling.
Loos coupling: Development of an application having a separate part of object creation and initialization, object design
and implements and object usage. Which is end-user can’t
change or not able to modify the code. If developer has to change
the code not impact on the
end-user application.
Java API’S: An API is java library which is collection of packages which
provides specific functionality.
API’s are developed to integrate any two software systems. A one software system
can use the features of another software system by using API’S.
The API’S are developed in such a manner any changes in the system will
not have much impact in another system.
If a java application has to interact
with database then it has to use JDBC
API. So that, if the database is changed no need
to change the application.
If a java application has to interact
with MS-office then we have to use POI API.
Access specifiers:
Package level
Encapsulation is a process
of protecting the members of class body. The access
to the class members can be achieved
by using access specifiers.
private members has visibility up to the class level, it can
be access only within the class body
where it is declared. The private members provides very good restriction.
The Package
level access members
has a visibility up to package level,
it can be access within
the same class body as well as
from the other class body
which belongs to same package.
The package level members can’t be access
from outside the package.
The Protected members has a visibility up to package
level but it can referred
from outside the package only though inheritance (“is a”
The Public
members has visibility outside the package
and it can be access
from any class body.
Rules access specifiers: Rule 1:
Defining class in a class body is
known as inner class. An inner class can have any of the 4 access
The outer class can have public
either or default.
It can’t have private as well as protected.
Rule 2:
A java file can have any number of
class body or interface body, only one
of the body can have public access specifier, in such case the file name should be same as public class name or interface name.
If all the class body or interface
body have default access then the file name can be any name.
If we have to have all the class public then we should define in an individual java file.
Rule 3:
Constructor defined by compiler is
known as default constructor, the access of default constructor will be same as the class body meaning if the class is public
the default constructor access is also public.
the programmer defines
a constructor then programmer can set any of the 4 access specifiers.
Rule 4:
When sub class overrides
inherit method of super class.
The subclass has permission
to increase the visibility of inherited
method but
doesn’t have the permission to reduce visibility of inherited method.
Rule 5:
The default access in the class
body is package level where as the default
access in the interface is public. Whenever the class implements an interface method the class should explicitly keep
the access as public. Because if
class doesn’t provide access then it will be
considered as default which is package level, and it has low visibility compared
with inherited method which is public.
Defining a java class with private
data members, public constructor, getters and setters method
is known as java bean class.
Java bean class are used for accessing
information from database.
The getters methods are developed to provide read access to the private
data members, it is also known as accesser.
The setter methods are developed to provide
wright access to the private
data members, it is also known as mutater.
Both getter and setter methods
should be public access
Packages is a collection of java files which performs
specific functionality. package is
like a folder which consist of classes and interface in a systematic manner this is for good practice for
professionals. In real world application are developed in this manner to easy maintenance of the
each module. To create package is simply use package
keyword with name of the
package at first
statement in the program.
is a standard industry rules to make package name like these: com.organization_name.application_name.sub-application_name.sub-
Methods of Object package:
to return string representation of
the object ,return fully qualified class name .Ex: java.lang.Object
· Return type is string,
access specifier is public.
· This method can be override in sub-class.
2. hashCode():-
· To return
hash code value of the object.
· Return type is int, access specifier
is public.
· This method can be override in sub-class.
3. equals():-
· Used to compare an object itself with another object.
· Return type is Boolean,
access specifier is public.
· This method can be override in sub-class.
· Argument of object is class type.
4. finalize():-
This is called by garbage collector
to check whether the object is de- referenced or not.
· Is used to
clone the object
means exact replica
of the object.
ü There are number of packages, above shown are popular and used frequently.
If toString () is overridden, it is
automatically returns the output by creating
Hashcode will create unique id for
every created object, reference type variable will not
create unique id.
String class:
String is a set of character or array of character,
string literals are type of object. String
is not a data type it is class object type.
String class features
Used to store string literals.
Available in java.lang package.
It is a final class.
It is immutable class.
toString () override
to return string
hashCode () override
to return hashcode
value based on string literal.
equals () override
to compare strings
based on string
String class constructor is overloaded.
String class contain
useful methods like strcmp, strlen,
strconcat, etc.
String type object
can be created in two ways
By using “new” keyword.
By using double quoted
string literals directly.
When using double quoted string
object creation string
will not create
an object of new, it’s only
pointing to the existing object.
In string object creation object stored in memory based
on the type of the object creation. Heap area consist
of 2 areas for storing string literals.
Constant pool:-
Which is created an object of the string
by using double
quoted directly are stored in the constant
pool memory area
It doesn’t allow to
duplicate the object.
Hashcode () and equals () are
return based on string literals. If string literals
are same, hashcode () will generate same unique id and equals() will return true if literals are same else different
Non-Constant pool
Which is created an object of the string
by using new keyword are stored in the non-constant pool memory area
It allows duplicate
object and reference.
String behaviours
String S1=”developer”;
String s2=new String (“developer”);
S1==s2 àfalse
S1.equals (s2) àtrue
String behaviour
String s1=”javadeveloper”;
String s3=new String (“javadeveloper”); s1==s2
s1.equals (s2) àtrue s1==s3 àfalse s1.equals
(s3) àtrue
String behaviour
String s1=”javadeveloper”; s1==s3 àfalse
String s2=”java”; s1.equals (s3)àtrue
String s3=s2+”developer”; s3==s4 àfalse
String s4=new String (“javadeveloper”) s3.equals (s4) àtrue
In a string declare if it joining
with reference variable it will be created
an object in non-static pool.
Singleton class:
Allows only one object creation
in its class.
Private constructor allows
access outside class
getInstance () returns
an object of its own class.
Arrays contain homogeneous data type
and its performance is fast. Array declaration Array initialization
arratype [] arrayname; arrayname=new
arraytype [size]; e.g.: e.g.:
int [] arr1; arr1=new int[5];
double arr2; arr2=new double
Array Disadvantages:
Limited size.
Allow Homogeneous (similar) data type only.
Length variable(capacity) ;doesn’t
show the filled array
Don’t follow the data structure principles.
Data structure/Collection API/Frameworks:
Underlying data structure implementation.
data at runtime.
Predefined methods for operation.
Hold either homogeneous or heterogeneous data type.
Performance is slow.
Fundamentals of collections:
The above figure depicts the behaviour of the collections, the
container is a collection which store
class objects and interfaces. While adding an element in a collection use add method, we can add any
type of object but that should be upcasted
to Object class type. While
retrieving object it must downcast because objects are still in Object class type. To retrieve
an all object in 2 manner
either use foreach
loop or iterator interface.
Example of foreach
for (Object
o1: c1)
system.out.println (o1);
2. Example of iterator:
Iterator i1=c1.iteraor (); while (i1.hasnext ())
{ ();
Iterator type object has 3 main
methods which is helps to trace out the elements of the collections.
Iterator is
an interface which consist of these methods as shown below:
ü Next
(): Get next element from container (e1…..e5) after is it container empty or not i.e. don’t know by this
method, if there is no element it occurs “NoSuchElelment Exception” to overcome use hasnext ().
ü Hasnext (): returns Boolean
value if next element is present returns
true else returns false.
Remove (): remove
an element from container.
Collections are implemented by iterable
Collections API:
Collections are 3 types:
1. List features:
· List is a
type of collection
· List can hold any type of object.
· All objects
are stored with index.
· List preserve
insertion order.
· List allow duplicate object.
· List allows
null insertion object.
· Object can retrieve by its index.
· It is a type of serializable.
· It is a type of cloneable.
· It is a random
· These are all marker interface means empty interface.
· Its Growable
size is new_capacity= old_capacity*1.5+1.
· It inherit
all the methods from List interface.
· It has 3 type of constructor:
1. ArrayList (); //default capacity.
2. ArrayList (capacity);
3. ArrayList (collection c);
· Retrieval by index is fast
· Insertion and deletion to take time.
· We can’t see the initial capacity.
· Copying all object to the next interval ArrayList.
It inherits the all the methods of List
It is legacy
class in collection from jdk1.0.
All the things are same as
ArrayList but vector is thread
safe/thread synchronized.
Its Growable size is new_capacity= old_capacity*2.
It has 3 constructor:
Vector (); //default
Vector(initial capacity);
Retrieval is good when capacity is fixed.
We can see the
initial capacity.
It is thread safe/synchronized.
Copying all object
to the next interval vector.
Insert and deletion is to take more time.
3. LinkedList:
It is a type of serializable and cloneable.
Implemented with
doubly linked list data structure manner.
object of linkedlist consist 3 information Previous object address
Object value
Next object
First object has previous address
is null, last object
next address is null.
It has another iterator to access
object using ListIterator, it trace both bi & unidirectional means forward
and reverse.
insertion and deletion
is good
It is a type queue
It can traverse
both forward and reverse.
It is not a type of random access.
It is difficult
to retrieval, means slow.
Set collection:
It is a type of collection.
Elements are added without index.
Doesn’t preserve insertion order.
Duplicates are not allowed but Null is allowed.
Type of set collection.
Type of serializable and cloneable.
Do not preserve
insertion order.
Hashset implemented using hash table data structure.
Add only unique
objects based on hash code.
Duplicates are not allowed.
Null insertion allowed.
When duplicates added it ignores
and size is also increase but doesn’t show any error.
It has 4 overloaded constructor:
HashSet s1=new HashSet();//default capacity
is 16
HashSet s2=new HashSet(int initial capacity);
HashSet s3=new HashSet(int initial
capacity, float fill ration);//default fill
ratio/load factor is 0.75
HashSet s4=new HashSet(Collection c);
Type of set collection and sub class of hashset.
Linked hashset implemented using
hybrid data structure
(combination of different data structure).
Preserve insertion order.
It is a type of Set, SortedSet, and NavigableSet collection.
Duplicates objects are not allowed.
Stores only homogeneous objects.
Objects should be same type as first object.
Objects has to be type comparable.
Comparable is an inherited from java.lang
Comparator is inherited from java.util
By default natural
sort order.
Null is not allowed.
It is a type of collection.
Add any object into queue
without index.
Doesn’t preserve insertion order.
Duplicate objects are allowed.
Null insertion is not allowed.
It follows First In First
Priority Queue:
Internally sorted queue.
Head elementàpoint’s lowest
Trail elementàpoints highest
poll ()àretrieves and remove head element of queue.
peek ()àretrieve head element only.
Queue allows comparator object.
It keep mapped value (like
Map put object in key=value pair:
Key is object type
Value is object value.
Key is should
be unique.
Null allowed to key and value.
Null key and value are not
Thread safe class.
Performance is slow because of thread safe.
Exception handling:
Program execution can terminate in 3 manner:
Normal termination.
Force termination.
Abrupt termination.
Normal termination is terminated after successfully execution of program.
Force termination is terminated by user eventually.
Abrupt termination is terminated by
JVM, which is a piece of code is not able to execute
by JVM. JVM/Run time environment look for code which is capable of handling the execution
of the block code is known as exception
Ø Statement which is not executed by JVM
means it is exception case.
Ø When exception
occur stack and hep memory
will be cleared.
Ø Compiler will never give an error message for exception.
Ø The execution are handled by developing try/catch block.
The try block should have errors
that might generate exception and catch is one
which should handle the exception.
Try block should be always followed
by catch block or finally block. A try block can have multiple catch block.
The catch block should take an
argument of type exception type thrown
at runtime environment. If an exception occur in try block that will handover to catch block after
solving exception it continues the flow of program execution, JVM never
go back to try
The finally block always extended
by JVM, the statement written in finally block
will be executed even if an unexpected exception occurs. The finally block is very useful when
mandatory statements has to be executed
by JVM. If user terminate program by System.exit () then finally method will not executed
by JVM.
keyword is used to throw an exception object explicitly in
the code, the throw keyword can throw
any throwalbe type object, throw keyword
can be used anywhere in
The exception occurred in a method
body can be delegated its caller explicitly
by using throws keyword, its
declaration keyword should be used in the method or constructor declaration only.
Types of exception:
1. Checked exception
2. Unchecked exception
An exception checked by compiler at
compile time is known as checked exception, the try/catch block should
be written before compilation.
Exception which are not checked by compiler and known
only at runtime is known
as unchecked exception.
Note: user can also develop his own exception.
It is an execution of instance by sharing system
resources to do particular task.
Allocation of system
resource decided by JVM.
Separate stack area is created for every thread,
all threads or tasks
can run parallel.
Main method is one of the
thread it must execute to run main method in java.
Thread can be implemented in 2
1. By implementing Runnable interface. // this is better.
By extending thread class.
Thread has 3 properties:
Thread ID:-Assign
by JVM, user can’t change
Thread name:-thread name can modify
Thread priority:-Resource allocated
based on this property. 1-10 is the priority, 10 is highest
and 1 is lowest priority. Default is 5.
Objects are shared
across various threads.
Thread safe/thread synchronized:
When two or more threads need to access shared
resources, they need some way to
ensure that the resource will be used by only one thread at a time this process
is called synchronization.
Object lock:
happens in thread synchronization to lock (wait) remain threads to
complete execution of current thread,
this is achieved by synchronized instance method. Class lock: achieved by synchronized static method.
Inter thread
communication (ITC):
includes an inter-process communication mechanism via the wait ( ), notify ( ), and notifyAll
( ) methods. These methods are implemented as final methods in Object, so all classes have them. All
three methods can be called only from within a
synchronized context.
wait ( ): tells the calling
thread to give up the monitor and go to sleep until some other thread enters
the same monitor
and calls notify( ).
notify( ) : wakes up a thread
that called wait(
) on the same object.
notifyAll( ): wakes up all the
threads that called wait( ) on the
same object. One of the threads
will be granted access.
A special type of error that you need to avoid that
relates specifically to multitasking
is deadlock, which occurs when two threads have a
circular dependency on a pair of synchronized objects.
Happens when a thread is incomplete to run but another
thread is waiting for execution then JVM never release until thread completes its task.
To overcome
this we used ITC (inter
thread communication) concept.
Thread life cycle:
Fig: thread
life cycle.
File Handling:
Defined in
package have classes
and interfaces.
To create file/directory.
To read/write directory.
File defines many methods to obtain the standard properties of a File object
File class used to create
file directory.
FileWriter class used to write operation.
FileReader class used to read only one character.
BufferReader class used to read a
whole line in a file.
flush() method is used to view data in a file, until to do flush()
can’t view a data in file
close() method is call to save the
resources and increase performance, resources will leak until to close the objects. While closing flush () methods run automatically.
Persistent object means object
stored in a file or data base permanently is called serialization process.
Non-persistent object means object
erase after system termination or garbage collected or dereferenced object.
.ser extension for serializable object.
keyword used for only variables to not making serializable
and static variables also can’t make serializable object.
Deserialization means which is retrieving an object from file or database.
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